Results of Another 100 Days of the Accelerator of Socio-Economic Reforms

The Accelerator of socio-economic reforms on the CERR platform held an online conference with the participation of the leadership of ministries and departments in order to summarize the results of the regular 100-day cycle.
The working groups of the Accelerator of Socio-economic Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Accelerator) summed up the results of solving tasks in 3 areas, which were carried out for 100 days.
Accelerator groups solved problematic issues in such areas as the assessment and monitoring of the implementation of reforms (1), the transition to providing consumers with electric and thermal energy (2), as well as the stabilization of fuel prices (3).
Another Cohort (100-day cycle) videoconference with the participation of responsible managers and accelerator working groups took place on July 7 this year.
The purpose of the meeting was to summarize the results of solving socio–economic problems based on the methodology of the Government Accelerator of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The meeting was attended by Deputy Director of the Center for Economic Research and Reforms M. Kholmukhammedov and Accelerator coordinators: A.Halmurzaev, T.Niyazmatov and Z.Kosimova, as well as more than 20 representatives at the level of Heads of relevant ministries and departments responsible for solving the identified problems.
During the meeting, the Accelerator groups reported on the results of the completed tasks on each problematic issue:
- Formation of a system for evaluating and monitoring the implementation of reforms.
The lack of a systematic and objective assessment of the results of reforms, their comparative analysis in quantitative and qualitative terms (KPIs) had a negative impact on the collection, analysis and evaluation of statistical and other data of a significant volume.
To solve this problem, the Accelerator working group was tasked with developing a system for evaluating the results of reforms. The working group studied the experience of a number of countries and developed a draft regulatory act on the constant monitoring of reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, collecting, analyzing, summarizing their results and creating an index assessment system.
Along with this, the first "demo" version of the automated information portal "Monitoring of Reforms" was developed and presented, which allows monitoring and evaluating the implementation of reforms.
The uniqueness of this platform is that it automatically collects information from all existing electronic information systems developed by ministries and departments in order to monitor and evaluate the reforms being implemented in the Republic and constantly updates them. At the same time, a working group, approved on the basis of the list, consisting of experts and independent analysts of state organizations, research institutes, higher educational institutions, international consulting companies in their fields of activity, will be attached to the monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of reforms. The working groups attached to the information portal specified in the draft Decree carry out continuous studies and report to the general public on the results through the platform's home page and the mass media.
- Transition to providing consumers with electric and thermal energy by installing solar photovoltaic installations, energy-saving devices and solar thermal collectors.
In order to expand the use of renewable energy sources, in particular solar energy, the Accelerator has developed a draft Presidential Decree "On measures to stimulate the widespread use of small-scale renewable energy sources in the economy and social sphere." This Decree provides for an increase in the amount of compensation for the purchase of batteries and accumulators, as well as a reduction in the period for receiving this compensation. The Decree has been coordinated with the responsible ministries and departments. "Yashil" consumer credit line was also opened for the purchase of solar photovoltaic installations, solar water heaters, energy-efficient gas equipment and boilers in "Qishlok Qurilish Bank."
- Stabilization of fuel prices
In order to ensure the stability of prices on the domestic market in the face of a sharp increase in fuel prices on the world market, the Accelerator has developed a draft Decree "On additional measures to create conditions for the sustainable development of the petroleum products market". In this project, it is proposed to experimentally apply differentiated excise rates for gasoline and diesel fuel, linking them to the quotations of Brent crude oil on world exchanges. Another innovation is the procedure for the import of hydrocarbon raw materials and petroleum products produced on foreign trading platforms of commodity exchanges of the Republic, and the transportation of imported hydrocarbon raw materials and petroleum products by rail. The Decree provides for a number of other measures to stabilize fuel prices.
It is worth noting that the results achieved were the impetus for initiating reforms in each area. The Accelerator has developed a plan to expand innovation and sustainable development.
CERR Public Relations Service